Last night I had a great conversation with a friend who every time we talk I am reminded that we understand each other and our views on life. We listened and shared about our lives and all that has happened to each other over the last few months. Hearing each other’s passions, dreams, and how our lives are playing out was refreshing. Today I read the blog that he wrote on his way home from New Zealand. It is always nice to hear others views and takes on life and love and travels. I saw a little more of his heart through his writing today and my mind began to wander on how we are all the same in humanity and our search in life.
He had set out on an adventure, ventured on a journey into the woods alone in NZ to meet a friend miles up the mountain at a cabin overlooking breathtaking views and natural wonders. He talked about his journey, the times he was awestruck with the surrounding beauty and speechless of the realization that he was so small compared to the overpowering mountains and miles of land comprised of beauty and sights that are hard to imagine unless you were there seeing through his eyes. Curt spoke about his time on the trek, about the ups and downs of his journey, wading the waters, hurting his ankle and continuing on. In the end his journey became more than just a hike, a backpacking trip that he loves, it became about life and figuring who we are in this gigantic world that surrounds us. Through his writing I was reminded through his words that we are a tiny speck for a brief moment of time. I thought as I read, that although at times disguised we are constantly learning about ourselves, who we are, who we love, and finding peace in the process. Curt wrote that through his journey he was content in the end; he had found what he was looking for. That sentence to me summed up his journey, and so many of my journeys I find myself on through this crazy life. Although the outcome may be different than we pictured, the journey was worth it.
I sit here today overlooking my favorite spot in Bellingham, the beautiful water and endless pier. I imagine all of the places in the world, think of the places I have already seen with all their beauty etched into my heart. I think of the places I am going to see, the random parts of the world and the places that will take my breath away. To look around as Curt did in those fields, to stand in awe of the massive splendor, the gorgeous waterfalls surrounding him, while all alone and completely enamored. In this life we are all on a search, a journey that leads us up hills and down mountains. If we listen, be still and learn along the way, we will be content when we find what we are looking for. As I sit here daydreaming, romanticizing my thoughts on life, and thinking about my amazing journey and all my friends and the journeys they take, I am proud. I am excited to see where our paths lead us and the contentment we find along the way. One of my favorite quotes comes to mind, perfect ending thought as I venture into tomorrow. "May today there be peace within. May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith. May you use those gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you. May you be content knowing you are a child of God. Let His presence settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love. It is there for each and every one of us" ~ unknown

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