Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Light in this world

Figuring out what you are intended to leave behind, seems to me to be the same thing as figuring out what you are supposed to do with your life. For what greater thing is there than to be a light and a voice of motivation when you are here, and when you are gone to be a memory that lights another’s path and an inspiration to change the seemingly unchangeable.

We all have different views as to what will make us happy, a good job, a big family, a nice house, or travelling the world… We are all similar in the sense that we all long for happiness and all at times go through seasons of wondering why we are not happy and struggle to figure out what we can do to get to that point.

Realizing that we all have something special that not everyone has is such a powerful realization. We all have the ability to turn on a light in a dark room, be the inspiration that another person needs to go on. We all have gone through battles of war, whether it is the war of love or the war of family burdens, the war of losing a loved one or the war of feeling completely lost in this crazy and hectic world. The wars are endless, but so are the impacts that we can make during the wars.

So often I am inspired by those I meet, or those I hear. The voices that are out there to inspire, to share the stories of strength and the stories of survival, those who have overcome more than I, and those that have seen wars that I cannot imagine. The stories that inspire me to not take for granted the times of peace that surround us. There are hero’s that are no different than you or I, they just have a different story and their struggles are neither worse nor harder, they are just different. For we all are who we are, because we all have been on different paths that are completely unique to each and every one of us.

It is my hope that it will be clear to each of us what it is that we are supposed to leave behind. Our legacy that can be anything we make it to be, as long as it reflects our hearts. I long for my heart to be mirrored through my actions, my tongue to be impeccable with my word, and my life to be a reflection of growth and change while I listen to the stories that people share of wars that have been won and wars that still need to be conquered.