Sunday, December 26, 2010

Hopes and Prayers

So many things I hope for you this Christmas time and beyond… My family and friends, my loved ones who all play a part of who I am, help represent where I have been, and all own a distinct place in my heart... A few words for you to start the New Year.

I hope for peace and light to settle over you in a world that seems large and hectic, a frenzy of existence. I hope for God’s love to shine through, revealing to you the path that is yours, bright and clear, free of clutter and free of charge for you to run full force down. Giving you strength to change the things you wish to be different, and anticipation instead of dread for the unknown road ahead.

I hope for health, bodies full of life, energy to sing and dance, praise and love. I hope for you to find your true love, the kind that makes you wonder what you did without this person that completes your sentences and your heart, you deserve this more than anyone I know.

I hope that life’s hard decisions all the twists and turns that need answers, answers that seem to weigh a thousand pounds, answers that bear so many consequences that you just can’t make up your mind, will become unmistakable to you. The clearness that is distinctive to your heart only, will be given to you so that the weight you have been carrying, the weight that is putting out your light, will be lifted.

I hope the things that need to be forgotten will fade until they no longer hurt memories not haunting but only full of the times we need to remember.

I hope for healing, God’s power he has to heal our sick, and our loved ones. But I also hope for understanding, our minds to be able to understand and accept when it hurts the most, when the ones we love are sick or no longer with us. I pray for understanding and peace, your reasons being greater than our own and being able to accept that without our humanity demanding proof of why or how.

2010… A crazy collection of memories to look back on, a year full to the brim… many lands traveled, loves blossomed, and friendships made. I am so thankful for all the relationships made and cherish the times with you all. 2011 Here we come.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Starting a new adventure

Today I sit here in Cranford, New Jersey… it is a beautiful crisp Fall day with endless blue sky’s and a sun sitting so bright and high, as if it’s only job is to provide us with joy and smiles.

Curt and I left the Columbia River Gorge October first, driving away with all of our belongings fitting in our truck. Hitting the road to start the next chapter, we decided to stay true to what it is that we have decided is true and perfect for our life (at least in this stage) downsizing our belongings and enabling our home to fit in our truck... Sounds crazy, but it is humbling to realize that what we need in this world is so much less in than most of us will ever realize. As I understand that all stages of our life are different, the one I am in is creating a foundation for a greater appreciation going forward in my life, ultimately making me open my eyes to what are our needs and what are our wants.

For this journey we decided to take our time driving across our beautiful country. We were taking it all in, seeing countless states and distinctive country side. Making memories as we went; from spending hours on hikes in different states to spending Halloween day in South Carolina swimming in the ocean on a beautiful 80 degree day. By taking our time we also had endless minutes to discuss our next step… We are heading to South East Asia for the next three months of our life.

We are super excited for this decision that we made. We will be heading to Thailand first to spend 3 weeks, then on to Bali Indonesia to spend 2 months. During our time in Bali we will have to leave the country due to visas so we will spend a week in Kuala Lumper. I have put a link to our journey on this page if anyone is at all interested to see where we end up. We have a nice gadget that wherever we are in this amazing world we can push a button and it sends a signal tracking where we are and puts that info on the web page… ah inventions… ~~Speaking of inventions, we went to Thomas Edison’s home and factory today, what an amazing man who created for us not only the light bulb but had 1,093 U.S patents and had a factory employing over 10,000 employees to distribute and create his inventions… just a cool tid bit I learned today that inspired me so I thought I would share…. :) ~~

Curt and I are heading to New York City tomorrow to spend the weekend. We will be flying out of JFK Monday morning to head over seas… I feel blessed to have seen so many areas of this world, and am thankful to see even more. To have looked at a map of these areas forever is far different than seeing first hand that it all exists and realizing once again, as I did when stepping of the plane in Africa not long ago, that it is not very far away and this world is completely open to us. So needless to say I am surrendered to gratitude for this trip and my life that I am getting to share with my guy who I continue to fall farther and farther in love with…

Leaving you with a quote from Thomas Edison which seems to fit after spending a day looking at a glimpse of his life "I readily absorb ideas from every source, frequently starting where the last person left off"

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Goodbye Gorge....

Jeni Stembridge photography... Love you Jeni

I feel blessed in my life to have been able to see many parts of this world, so many places of beauty and magnificence. Places that have made me feel completely enamored and so ridiculously small in significance to the exquisiteness that was surrounding me. As I think about the Colombia River Gorge, this special place that is by far one of the most amazing places in this world, I smile to think it is this magical place that has brought together some of the most amazing, diverse, colorful, and beautiful people that I have ever met. As I get ready to say goodbye to my special place, I can’t help but reflect on the people that I have met along the way.

In the last few months I have met remarkable women whose eyes sparkle with a passion for life and for their art, which ranged with such a rich diversity. I have met men with the same sparkle in their eye, the love of water and their passion to see it all, makes them a continuous inspiration for those they meet on their journey. We all added something different, inspiring each other to see the world in a different way. We all are different, yet so similar, living life by the moment and taking it as it comes. Our distinct paths and unique stories created colorful relationships and one of the things we all have in common is we are completely in love with our little area of the world.

Our time is slowly coming to an end… the life of tents and wilderness, is reaching the closing stages, the time of moving forward. As Tom Petty puts it oh so well, “it’s time to move on, time to get goin”. Talk has slowly turned into what will become of the coming months, each of us a different path and a different direction. For some; months of travel to foreign lands and for others work is calling in other fabulous parts of this world. We will move on, see new life and feel new loves. We all will be a little different when we meet again, a little changed by life and our paths. We will have new stories to tell, all while making new memories as we tell them.

I feel more like myself when I am here.I will forever remember and describe this area as I did the first time I came here… when I am here... when I am laying on that dirt road, looking at the endless skies and the stars that seem to go on for miles, I still feel that I am in the middle of nowhere, yet completely in the center of everything.This place has my heart and now more than ever it holds a special place for the countless memories that have been made by remarkable people I have met in my middle of nowhere.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Figuring it all out..

Currently I am figuring out this life. I am in this moment, this time that continues to surprise me and change me. I thought of these words today, thought of what it even means to have it all figured out… Does it mean that I figured out that love is more important than money, or that I figured out a job title will never bring you happiness nor will it succeed in making your soul feel content or fulfilled? Or does it mean that I have realized we need so much less than we have. I have figured out that we need only few things in this life, a house full of stuff, a garage with countless toys, or elaborate set ups with rooms that are not even filled, seems to me to be beyond comprehendible or justifiable especially with what I have seen that others have in this world, or for a better account, lack thereof.

As we grow, age with grace, there seems to me to be continuous change in the way we view the world. We change perceptions on what is important in this life and who we decide to spend our time with, who is worthy to share our loves and hopes with. We start to acknowledge that our time is better spent sharing our dreams and our views with people that will love you through everything you do. The people that guide you through every storm you encounter and help you pick up the pieces along the way.

As we grow we make fewer excuses for wrongs done to us. We realize through trial and error that we are worth more than what some can give. Realizing this one can set you free. Once you can see the light that you shine, it is only then that it is easier to see when someone is putting it out.

So to figure out this life… I am beginning to understand that when I am looking ahead to the next chapter, looking at my new hopes and new loves, new travels and new ideas, I will continue to be conscious of the current chapter I am in. While yes my head is swimming with all my ten thousand words I have for my next chapter, it is also overflowing with the time that I have had these last few months. The amazing, diverse, colorful, and beautiful people that I have met and times we have shared. The beautiful landscape and gorgeous rivers that have stolen my heart, all while getting to share it with the only person on this planet I can imagine sharing it with…

So maybe that is what it means to figure out this life… Sharing your time and your moments with the people that make you feel more like yourself when they are around than when they are not.. Loving with all you have and opening your heart to do so. Opening your mind to new loves and dreams all while staying true to the loves you have already found. As we venture forward, I have a feeling we will continue to “figure it out” all while being changed and shaped through circumstances and fate, into the people we are meant to be in this ever changing life.

Friday, August 20, 2010


I was wondering today, why it feels at certain times we are all running from
something or at other times the opposite, that we are running towards something else. One day we think we have it figured out, we feel complete with where we are in life, who we love, where we live, where we work and what we “do”. Yet another day we entangle our thoughts on what is next, what else is there to see, doubt our decisions and contemplate on our truths. It is in those times that we become silent in the process.

Today I felt I needed to be silent. I looked around at all there is around me, the beautiful mountains and endless rivers surrounding my home. I gazed at the natural wonders and realized I still needed to take a step back. I am in this life, this moment. I am finding new loves, new passions and today I recognized that through all this, through new love and new life, it is important to remain true to what you know in your heart. Listening to our inner voice, become conscious of what it is we are seeing, what we are letting in, and who we are sharing it with.

So today I considered why it may feel we are running toward something else, when we know in our hearts that where we are is exactly where we should be. I feel that we do this if we forget to take a minute to catch our breath. If we forget to take time out, be silent, forget about our jobs and our relationships and remember what it is that makes us complete. When we do this, we realize that it is not the one we are with, or the job that we have, the activities we do daily or the passions we live for that make us complete and make our soul alive and our spirit bright. It is our faith and our love that makes us who we are, that lead us down this curvy road. We are who we are for a reason. We have been led to see things and go places that make each of us completely unique and exactly who we are.

I needed to remember this today. To remember that it is inside of us. Our faith and our God are in each of us and that is what will make us feel complete and remind us that we are exactly where we are supposed to be. Our daily life is hectic and full of ups and downs. It is through those times that our humanity makes us rely on the person we are with or the job that we have to make us feel fulfilled and loved. I needed to remember today that it will not have anything to do with another person or any activities I do that makes me feel full. I will try to remember to be silent during the times I need reassurance. Be silent, look up, and listen to my God that is leading my path.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

No Regrets..

I want to live life through every moment. I feel that through our journey of life and love and travels, time passes continuously on and we are swept away daily by new loves and new ideals on life. We meet new people, let them into our lives, travel around the world and let the places we go become slowly a piece of who we are. We grow and change; we take a step back at times in order to see the course with all its windy roads behind us. We assess our new loves, we make choices to transform and we alter our road depending on who we meet and what we see along the way.

I have had the opportunity to figure this out as I go. I have slowly opened my heart to letting go of norms or standards that our society demands of us. Living life with no regrets. I have struggled at times with giving too much of my heart away. I felt that maybe if I held back, maybe not went all in, then it wouldn’t be as bad if the course went the direction of opposite. The direction that it was always meant to go, yet not clear to me yet as to why. I have realized through the times of jumping into the deep end, through the times of moving to random places, loving another with all I have, quitting my job and giving up my title, travelling to foreign lands, to unknown territory….with this all I have realized that I will continue to do so. I will live with no regrets even when I made the wrong call.

I think for us all, when life plays out differently than we expected, we instantly analyze if we have made the right decision. If we made the right call as to what is right for us and ultimately what is right for the ones we love. We may or may not regret things we have done or didn’t do. We may struggle with why and when, but I have realized that it doesn’t matter. Regret can overcome and make our reality foggy and take away from what we know in our heart to be true for ourselves.

No regrets. Believing that if we get a job offer and it doesn’t pan out, or if we plan a move and at the last minute our steered in the opposite direction, if we give up all we have to be with the one we love, through these times I believe in having peace that it is the way it is supposed to be. I am excited to jump off the deep end once again. I am excited for the unknown road and uncharted territory that is ahead. I will surrender to this life with no regrets and hold your hand as we jump off the cliff.

Friday, July 23, 2010

What I know to be true... take two

What I know to be true in the truest way I know how to believe… take two...

I believe in following your heart… I believe in letting go. I believe that if it is truly meant to be it will blossom exactly as it should. I believe this because I have seen it full force and have found my love by having patience in life’s curvy road. I believe that love is alive all around us; it is apparent always and deserves to be noticed. I believe in being willing to open your heart to new ideas. I believe that having passion in life will allow you to see life as completely open to you. I believe that finding another person to share your days with who has completely different passions will make you open your eyes to new love’s and new inspirations and help fill your soul with variety.

I believe in finding the person who makes you feel beautiful even at your worse, who every day tells you that you are the best and reminds you that you are the best thing that has ever happened to them. I believe in picking flowers for another rather than buying them in the store. I believe in sharing napkins and saying grace before meals. I believe that with the right person you can be completely silent and still able to have a conversation with your eyes.

I believe in peace. I believe in a romanticized version of life. I believe that we are all are same yet completely unique making each and every one of us perfect. I believe in a simple life, a life with less material items and more quiet times and peaceful views. I believe in seeing the entire world. I believe we owe it to ourselves to see what is out there in order for us to fully get it. I believe that we don’t need a four bedroom house, three cars, and countless toys to be happy. That said, I believe that we all are absolutely different so who am I to speak on what people want or have in this life.

I believe that as it is easy to say that things happen for a reason, I also believe that it is not always that easy to accept. I believe that many times we want answers as to why or when but will not get them and I believe that it is in those times that we need to find comfort in fully surrendering to our path, the good and the “oh wow that sucked” not so good times in our life. I also believe that we all at times need to work on this. I believe we all make mistakes in this life that deserve to be forgiven. I believe that when you forgive someone, you can not continue to go there in your mind, you have to be true to yourself and true to the idea that you have let go of the hurt. I believe that if you hold onto comparing peoples mistakes, if you try to debate which is worse or how mad you should be, you may forget that all mistakes are equal and it is not up to us to compare.

I believe that we are shaped into who we are because of where we have been and who we have met along the way. I believe that there will be people regularly coming in and out of our lives, may it be for a brief period or a long road that changes us ever so slightly and opens us to new loves and new ideas as to what we decide to be true for ourselves. I believe that it is through these times, the people we meet and the places we go, that we remember to remain true to ourselves and true to what we already know to be real in our heart.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Listening to your voice...

Following your heart and listening to your voice… the words spoken by many but not always carried out. Words that can bear a weight of uncertainty, a weight that can prove to be heavy if you realize that you haven’t exceeded in doing so. But along with a weight these words can change your journey, make the course unique and make your story your own.

I feel there are crucial times in our life that we have to listen to our voice. I think that more often than not the voice can be jumbled by voices of caution and voices telling us to have reason and to not do anything rash. We don’t want to make the wrong decision so in turn decide to stay where we are, time begins to tick and we are following a course that doesn’t seem to mere our heart. We convince ourselves that if we are not feeling fulfilled the answer is to stay and try to fix or mend what is broken, fix the life that seems to have come unraveled. But what if the answer is to take action, listen to what you know to be true, listen to your God that speaks to your heart, and carry out the decision that you know you already have made.

There are a few times in my life that I can look back on and see that I was truly able to hear myself. I was able to trust what all of the sudden became overwhelmingly obvious. I had to make a decision that at the time seemed too hard to make. Many times in our life the weight of the decision seems unbearable and creates a false sense that we are unable to do what our heart is so clearly leading us to do. I read something once that said as hard as it seemed to leave, even harder was the thought of staying. These words can be related to so many things. As I ponder on what it means to listen to your voice, It is not just about love or relationships, but it is about life. Jobs we take, or jobs we leave, places we go or places we decide are not right for us, deciding to stay or deciding to leave.

I have realized the feeling of freedom that comes from making a decision and carrying it out. I have realized that trusting my voice and relying on my faith gives me a sense of control and a peace of mind that what should be will be if I listen to my within. I am humbled knowing I am not alone for these feelings were given to me for a reason. When I am able to look back and see the course played out, it empowers me to continue to follow my heart. As I continue on I pray I am able to listen to my voice. I pray that I will continue to open my mind to new voices and new loves but remember to stay true to the one voice that will lead me to where I should be on my journey of life and love and travels.

Friday, July 9, 2010

All in.. With love and the River

~All pictures by Curt Joyce

The moment in life when you realize you are all in. The moment you can almost visually see yourself jumping into the deep end, your feet slipping over the edge, your body following sliding ever so slowly waist, arms, and eventually your head, you are going over and as you hold your breath, you can’t help but start to wonder how long it will take before you come up for air.

I feel like that describes life, through time and experiences we find ourselves in, we without realizing it put up a barrier that guards our heart from loss or sadness and shelters our heart from feelings that we decide we want to keep to our self. As we grow and change, we see the world and see different kinds of love, we see the healthy and the not so healthy loves that enter our life. I can’t help but wonder if this same barrier that you put up through experiences, has the ability to stop you from fully loving another. Stopping you from giving all you have. There are the times though, when we give up our protective barrier and jump into the deep end. These times are rare, and deserve to be noticed.

I was watching kayaking head camera footage today, watching a young man set out to conquer the Little White, running full force into a rapid called horseshoe. I watched as he headed toward the falls, the calm strokes he was taking, his boat gliding toward the drop and finding his line, I couldn’t help but think that he seemed so assured. He knew at that point what he wanted and set out to do it. As he entered the rapid, headed over the descend, he missed his mark and was beat down from the intense hole and powerful water. As he worked his way out, swam to shore, he was still empowered that he even went into it at all. He respected the river that much more for its powerful steadiness and intense energy. I saw that even though he was in the deep end, he was able to stay calm and come up for air.

I was talking with my boy about how it feels to let go of the barrier in relationships. How it is scary to feel like you are all in, to let yourself completely love another. I said that it seems scary to love another so much, to be giving all of your heart away. He said yes it can be scary but it’s exciting as well. I couldn’t help but wonder if all of us secretly hope to keep it protected. How often do we get caught up in the scary factor making us slow to let go of the barrier and in turn keeping us from enjoy the exciting factor.

I am learning through life that my fear comes from wondering if I will be able to catch my breath. As I hit the deep end, will the protective layer that was feeding me air be lost to a rapid of intense feelings and emotions. As I am beginning to kayak more and more, I have realized that with both paddling and with loves in our life, you have to be all in to enjoy the energy of the sport and the unpredictable waves of giving your heart away. I realized I was worried when I got on the water, worried about making a mistake then in turn being upside down. Worried that I wouldn’t be able to hang out for a t rescue and wondering if I would be quick to pull my skirt just so I would be able to catch my breath quickly. With love I’ve worried that if we give away too much of ourselves, let another catch a glimpse of our eyes, then we run the risk of letting another take our breath away.

Yesterday was a crazy day. Getting stuff situated, plans made, it was life maintenance at its finest. As I scrambled around in 100 degree heat, feeling a bit overwhelmed and tired, Curt stopped me in my tracks and held me close making me take two deep breaths. It was then that I thought ah ha… I am able to catch my breath, and it is you that is helping me do so.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

The moment

The ah ha moment, the moment when you can clearly see why things happened the way they did. The moment you receive clarity, the moment the foggy haze that seemed to encircle your thoughts up until that point, seems to fade and part.

As we continue on day after day, we see behind us with a kind of awakening to what reality was, we are able to see what we at the time wished could have been, and then ultimately what was so clearly supposed to be. There are few times or trials in my life where I can say that I have no idea why that happened. There are though, many times in my life that I can recall being in the midst of the trial and desperately wondering why things were happening the way they were, times when I felt that the way things were seemed so completely different than the way that I thought it should be. During those times, I struggled with why. Why it was that way, how I could have changed the situation or changed someone else’s mind. I wanted to be in control of the circumstances and ultimately life’s outcome. I held onto the thought that my way had to be the right way when what I wanted to be so seemed so right in my head.

The one true thing that seems to be more and more apparent as we move forward in this life, is if we have faith and confidence, we can rest assure knowing that through every trial we face, every heart break we encounter, and every broken promise we endure, we are being shaped into who we are and who we are supposed to become. During the times that we are in the midst of the storms, if we remember our faith and remember that we will eventually see why things are the way they are, we will have peace that it is being played out exactly the way it is supposed to. A faith that days, months or years later, we will see why. Why what God has for us may not be what we would choose if we were able to have the choice.

There are so many times I can look back and am completely grateful that his plan is bigger than my own. Thankful that I wasn’t aloud at that time to call the shots, have what I thought I wanted, or gone where I thought I should go. How many times have we said “If I knew then what I know now”? I am empowered knowing that as I go forward, my loves and passions are ever changing and what I see to be true today may not be what I see to be true tomorrow. If things seem hard or life seems to be going a way I wouldn’t have chose, I will have peace knowing that one day I will see exactly what I needed to know.

Monday, June 21, 2010


Driving around the Colombia River Gorge I am awestruck by the natural wonders and the surreal beauty that the area provides through a backdrop of vibrant and alive countryside. Living in a world that is surrounded by beautiful landscapes, gorgeous scenery and amazing rivers, I have often wondered about the unknown places you can only get to through the water. The places between the banks of the river that are covered with a panoramic view of trees and foliage, that many people never get to appreciate or catch a glimpse of. My love for exploring and seeing new things, my genuine curiosity of life and what is out there, and my enthusiasm to try a new sport that so many people are amazingly passionate about, lead me to take a two day kayaking course through Wet Planet.

From the moment I arrived, and heard the passion in the kayak instructors words, I could see there authentic love for a sport that for them changed their life. Their eyes lit up when they spoke of the water, their sincere love for both the river and paddling for me sealed the deal, I was intrigued. I definitely needed to see what this was all about.

Through the course of the two days I learned a lot about myself, the river, and a sport that is rewarding and fulfilling. The course is for beginners, a chance to get your feet wet, take time with awesome instructors, and see if you fall in love with paddling as so many tend to do. Susan and Andy, the incredible teachers, taught us all the basics and all the logistics empowering us with the base knowledge you need to get started. Everything from safety, kayak equipment, how to paddle, and how to exit your boat to reading the water, what you are looking for and how a river works when you are paddling downstream.

The two days proved to give me just what I was looking for. My growing curiosity of the remarkable places that are hidden all around me began to be satisfied. As I paddled the waters, looked around at the beauty that was ever so slowly being etched into my heart, I was thankful for this time that I was given. The peaceful flow of water lead me to unbelievable rapids and as I used the skills that I was taught, I realized why there was genuine passion behind the instructor’s words as they spoke on the sport that they love. As Susan and Andy watched, lead, and motivated us through the water, I was energized when I began to catch on and perfect the skills and excited even when I would miss the mark knowing that they were there to coach and strengthen my abilities. Both of them with their calm manner and gentle teachings lead the way down the river and directed me through my journey.

It has been a week since the two day class and needless to say I am a proud owner of a new Kayak… Well used kayak but definitely new to me and I am completely enamored with the sport and the areas that it will lead me to. All over the world or in my back yard, I will see the beauty that is waiting to be seen and remember to be thankful for every minute of the time I have on the water. Thank you Wet Planet for giving me the skills I need to get started, you were amazing.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Force of the push

I have thought on this subject often. I have written on it, created controversy with it, and processed different opinions on it. So I will write about it once more. Contemplate on truths and listen to what I know to be true….

Why do you think it is that we always want what we can’t have? Do you think that we would want it if we could actually have it? Or better yet, would we want it if we had to force it to happen. Or would the force of the push be enough to halt our hearts and change our minds… Maybe it would it become the clarity that we need in a foggy haze of what we only think will make us happy?

Well I have found that wanting something is part of life. I think that the urge to have something else, something that seems so right in your head, yet is just out of reach, is intoxicating and habit forming. May it be circumstances, life, fate or whatever you want to call it, you have to wonder if that thing you want, that you can’t get enough of in your head, is really better kept as a thought, a fantasy, in this life that is stifling and stagnant and desperately in need of excitement at times. As time goes on, life plays out, we realize habits are stronger than we realize. If the goal is to break the habit, maybe with time we can see that habits are nothing more than that, and once we fracture the habit in the slightest way, we will be able to see truth.

Is this romanticized version on life what keeps a dreamer a dreamer, a lover a lover, and a fighter a forever fighter for something better, something great?


Maybe there are times in our life that the habit of the want is stronger than what we actually know to be true and just maybe stronger than the authenticity of the dream, which all too often is a skewed idea of reality and what is true.

Or maybe there are exceptional times when there is a reason why you just can’t give up. When you know that the thing you can’t get out of your head is your true happiness. Your piece that is missing from your spirit, that light that makes you shine stronger when you have it, then when you don’t.

In the end we all are the same in our humanity. We all have seen things we wanted but couldn’t have, thought of places we are eager to visit but don’t know when or how we can get there, and we all have felt love and then lost it. These all exhibit our longing for something else, illustrates how without true experience we decide for our self that it will be right for us. As I progress in this life, I am finding there are few things that are real and true and actual. My God that is leading my path is real, my one true thing. I have decided that in this life, if I find myself longing for something, if I begin wondering about what could have been, or never was, it is then that I will turn my head up. I will believe that if I don’t have it, or if life just isn’t going the way I want, there is a reason. I will continue to be silent and listen, opening my heart and surrendering to my path.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Quick to judge

Today I was thinking about people, about the completely unique qualities that separate one of us from another. I was thinking about the matter of judgment, to judge another, what that looks like and how it even sounds just saying it out loud. Our world is full of people that are quick to judge and quick to tell you how to live a better life. We are quick to judge another for a wrong they have done, or a decision they have made. We judge situations people are in or circumstances they are involved in. It seems daily I see people speak on things they don’t know about. Speak on others lives or choices, their rights or their wrongs, and then feel completely justified with what they decide to be true for another.

In a perfect world we would all have been trained from an early age the difference between right and wrong, good and bad. We would all have been made to see hurt and pain, and then directly relate that to actions that were taken or words that were spoken. We would all be able to correlate the knowledge of our actions with the effects they create. Then we could rest assure that we all had the same perception of common sense, a general awareness of right and wrong. We would feel the same hurt and feel equal pains. Of course with this vision, It would be completely reliant on the fact that we would have all been taught the same in our morals or ethics, seen the same things and gone through the same trials, therefore making common sense a general acuity.

Since we all come from completely unique, diverse and exclusive backgrounds, is there really such a thing as common sense? Does everyone really have the same outlined description of right and wrong or crime and punishment?

We all are completely different in our pasts, where we have been and who we have met along the way. Our trials vary vastly from person to person, country to country. We feel things and see life entirely from different standpoints due to our different curvy roads that we are on. Because what each of us has been through, and where each of us has been, makes our outlooks on life neither right nor wrong but as distinctive as each and every one of us. How can I judge another when I have never seen what they have seen, felt what they have felt? As alike as we are in humanity, conditions and situations throughout our life play a role and without knowledge or forethought begin to shape our ever changing paths creating different views on life.

We all are beautiful because we are utterly irreplaceable. We speak differently and sing differently, we look different and think different. Who are any of us to judge another, when we don't truly know what we are speaking about… In a perfect world right and wrong, crime and punishment, would be black and white. Common sense would be just that, and we could rest assure that we were all on the same page. But we are different; our perceptions on life are diverse. I have come to know this... if we continue to look inside ourselves, be quick to assess our own identities rather than others, we are more likely to create inside what we are so eager to have others live up to.

“It is when your spirit goes wandering upon the wind, that you alone and unguarded, commit a wrong unto others, and therefore unto yourself.” ~ Kahlil Gibran

Friday, May 28, 2010

Fear of Forgetting

I used to have a fear that time will make you forget. With the decision to move on, sometimes forgetting is your goal and other times it is the complete opposite. Depending on the decision you are making in your life, forgetting can be what you need but other times forgetting seems terrifying. There are moments in our life when we change our minds or go a separate way. We may find that without fully realizing it, we are holding onto the memories and grasping to not forget. Maybe our fear lies in forgetting what at one point we thought we knew to be true.

So why as humans do we want to hold onto the past, keep the memories alive in our mind and alive with hope? Why do we make the decision to change course and then hold onto the fear that time actually will make us forget. Why do we fear forgetting a time or person that was perfect to us. Why do we not hold onto the fact that our minds will store the beauty that was true and store the memories safe within your heart. As I sit here today I am wondering if it all goes back to the fear of time, the fear of hours and days, months and years that seem to pass so quickly making you forget what you once felt so passionately about. The fear that time will ultimately seal the deal. Time will make you forget the path you got off or the person you left behind.

Maybe it is because we have doubt. Humans have doubt. A sort of self evaluation of the choices we make and a way to establish that we made the right decision. As I speculate as to why this is, why we have an inner voice that seems to want to fight against us, I am continuously astonished by our human nature. We continue to have human doubts and demons, self evaluation and self critiques, making us wonder of what was or could have been and endlessly doubt our choices even when we know them to be true.

With all this, I feel a newfound empowerment. I believe even more so today that we are undeniably and ever so extravagantly a crazy collection of amazing, in depth, colorful, and beautiful people… Knowing we are able to trust our inner voice, our God that is in us, gives me a fresh sense of peace. Knowledge that we already know what is true, in the truest way we know how to believe, makes me feel confident in my ever changing current loves and choices, my path and my God.

Time will eventually heal any wound and time definitely is the ultimate power to make you forget. I can sit here and recall times in my life when I literally remember saying I am scared that time will make it easier to forget.I wanted to hold on, I was scared to let go, scared it wouldn't be there when I needed to go back in my mind. Right now I am finding comfort in time passing. Time is making my love for another grow stronger. Time is making me realize that my path is laid out. Time is showing me ever so slowly yet quicker than I realize that the things I need to forget are being forgotten but the beautiful people that have entered my life will forever hold a piece of my heart.Time is proving that all the love that we need is already within us growing stronger with time and greater with age.