Driving around the Colombia River Gorge I am awestruck by the natural wonders and the surreal beauty that the area provides through a backdrop of vibrant and alive countryside. Living in a world that is surrounded by beautiful landscapes, gorgeous scenery and amazing rivers, I have often wondered about the unknown places you can only get to through the water. The places between the banks of the river that are covered with a panoramic view of trees and foliage, that many people never get to appreciate or catch a glimpse of. My love for exploring and seeing new things, my genuine curiosity of life and what is out there, and my enthusiasm to try a new sport that so many people are amazingly passionate about, lead me to take a two day kayaking course through Wet Planet.
From the moment I arrived, and heard the passion in the kayak instructors words, I could see there authentic love for a sport that for them changed their life. Their eyes lit up when they spoke of the water, their sincere love for both the river and paddling for me sealed the deal, I was intrigued. I definitely needed to see what this was all about.
Through the course of the two days I learned a lot about myself, the river, and a sport that is rewarding and fulfilling. The course is for beginners, a chance to get your feet wet, take time with awesome instructors, and see if you fall in love with paddling as so many tend to do. Susan and Andy, the incredible teachers, taught us all the basics and all the logistics empowering us with the base knowledge you need to get started. Everything from safety, kayak equipment, how to paddle, and how to exit your boat to reading the water, what you are looking for and how a river works when you are paddling downstream.
The two days proved to give me just what I was looking for. My growing curiosity of the remarkable places that are hidden all around me began to be satisfied. As I paddled the waters, looked around at the beauty that was ever so slowly being etched into my heart, I was thankful for this time that I was given. The peaceful flow of water lead me to unbelievable rapids and as I used the skills that I was taught, I realized why there was genuine passion behind the instructor’s words as they spoke on the sport that they love. As Susan and Andy watched, lead, and motivated us through the water, I was energized when I began to catch on and perfect the skills and excited even when I would miss the mark knowing that they were there to coach and strengthen my abilities. Both of them with their calm manner and gentle teachings lead the way down the river and directed me through my journey.
It has been a week since the two day class and needless to say I am a proud owner of a new Kayak… Well used kayak but definitely new to me and I am completely enamored with the sport and the areas that it will lead me to. All over the world or in my back yard, I will see the beauty that is waiting to be seen and remember to be thankful for every minute of the time I have on the water. Thank you Wet Planet for giving me the skills I need to get started, you were amazing.
I can't wait for you to go kayaking more! It is definitely a sport that your passion for life and beauty will compliment well! You're right, sometimes seeing the world via a river makes everything stand out a bit more and come alive. love you girl!