Today I was thinking about people, about the completely unique qualities that separate one of us from another. I was thinking about the matter of judgment, to judge another, what that looks like and how it even sounds just saying it out loud. Our world is full of people that are quick to judge and quick to tell you how to live a better life. We are quick to judge another for a wrong they have done, or a decision they have made. We judge situations people are in or circumstances they are involved in. It seems daily I see people speak on things they don’t know about. Speak on others lives or choices, their rights or their wrongs, and then feel completely justified with what they decide to be true for another.
In a perfect world we would all have been trained from an early age the difference between right and wrong, good and bad. We would all have been made to see hurt and pain, and then directly relate that to actions that were taken or words that were spoken. We would all be able to correlate the knowledge of our actions with the effects they create. Then we could rest assure that we all had the same perception of common sense, a general awareness of right and wrong. We would feel the same hurt and feel equal pains. Of course with this vision, It would be completely reliant on the fact that we would have all been taught the same in our morals or ethics, seen the same things and gone through the same trials, therefore making common sense a general acuity.
Since we all come from completely unique, diverse and exclusive backgrounds, is there really such a thing as common sense? Does everyone really have the same outlined description of right and wrong or crime and punishment?
We all are completely different in our pasts, where we have been and who we have met along the way. Our trials vary vastly from person to person, country to country. We feel things and see life entirely from different standpoints due to our different curvy roads that we are on. Because what each of us has been through, and where each of us has been, makes our outlooks on life neither right nor wrong but as distinctive as each and every one of us. How can I judge another when I have never seen what they have seen, felt what they have felt? As alike as we are in humanity, conditions and situations throughout our life play a role and without knowledge or forethought begin to shape our ever changing paths creating different views on life.

We all are beautiful because we are utterly irreplaceable. We speak differently and sing differently, we look different and think different. Who are any of us to judge another, when we don't truly know what we are speaking about… In a perfect world right and wrong, crime and punishment, would be black and white. Common sense would be just that, and we could rest assure that we were all on the same page. But we are different; our perceptions on life are diverse. I have come to know this... if we continue to look inside ourselves, be quick to assess our own identities rather than others, we are more likely to create inside what we are so eager to have others live up to.
“It is when your spirit goes wandering upon the wind, that you alone and unguarded, commit a wrong unto others, and therefore unto yourself.” ~ Kahlil Gibran
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