The ah ha moment, the moment when you can clearly see why things happened the way they did. The moment you receive clarity, the moment the foggy haze that seemed to encircle your thoughts up until that point, seems to fade and part.
As we continue on day after day, we see behind us with a kind of awakening to what reality was, we are able to see what we at the time wished could have been, and then ultimately what was so clearly supposed to be. There are few times or trials in my life where I can say that I have no idea why that happened. There are though, many times in my life that I can recall being in the midst of the trial and desperately wondering why things were happening the way they were, times when I felt that the way things were seemed so completely different than the way that I thought it should be. During those times, I struggled with why. Why it was that way, how I could have changed the situation or changed someone else’s mind. I wanted to be in control of the circumstances and ultimately life’s outcome. I held onto the thought that my way had to be the right way when what I wanted to be so seemed so right in my head.

The one true thing that seems to be more and more apparent as we move forward in this life, is if we have faith and confidence, we can rest assure knowing that through every trial we face, every heart break we encounter, and every broken promise we endure, we are being shaped into who we are and who we are supposed to become. During the times that we are in the midst of the storms, if we remember our faith and remember that we will eventually see why things are the way they are, we will have peace that it is being played out exactly the way it is supposed to. A faith that days, months or years later, we will see why. Why what God has for us may not be what we would choose if we were able to have the choice.

There are so many times I can look back and am completely grateful that his plan is bigger than my own. Thankful that I wasn’t aloud at that time to call the shots, have what I thought I wanted, or gone where I thought I should go. How many times have we said “If I knew then what I know now”? I am empowered knowing that as I go forward, my loves and passions are ever changing and what I see to be true today may not be what I see to be true tomorrow. If things seem hard or life seems to be going a way I wouldn’t have chose, I will have peace knowing that one day I will see exactly what I needed to know.

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