Oh Kenya, as I look around at the rolling hills and lush green land, I am on my knees in awe. I see Gods creation of natural wonders and shining radiant sun casting its glow on all of his land. The drive into the Cherangani Hills of Kenya where the children’s home sits snuggled at the base of their wonder, is wide open with colors beyond your imagination. As we pull up to the home the first thing you see is acres of gorgeous land that are thriving with gardens and fruit trees. Then you see them beautiful, vibrant, alive, and smiling, an abundance of kids running to greet you. As I looked around what I saw truly takes my breath away. As I slowly walked up to the play area, a swing set and acres of green land, the kids come running. The sight is overwhelming yet somehow comforting, seeing their precious faces all ready and eager for your love and attention. They run to your feet with wide smiles, giggles and joy. You realize when you lay eyes on them; they are love pure and true. As I started picking them up, giving them hugs and taking it all in, my heart melts with adoration. When they hear my name they say “Melissa Melissa” It’s then I know I am hooked.
They each have a story and as I look in their eyes I think of where they have been, what they have been through and how they were saved. Each child has a unique past of sadness and struggle, which makes them completely perfect and each a miracle. The stories will make you weep with sadness, yet reaffirm your believe in hope. Sammy, who is in the picture with me, is a beautiful boy who beams with joy. His smile is contagious and his personality is vibrant and animated. He is full of life. Sammy was found sitting on the bank of a small river where woman go to fetch water. It is believed he was separated from his family during post election violence. You never know what would have happened to any of these miraculous children, had they not been rescued. With every face there is a heartbreaking story but also a hopeful future.
This country with all its beauty and all its magnificent light, has a tragic and heart wrenching equal. This children’s home, nestled at the bottom of the Cherangani Hills on the outskirts of Kitale, is a blessing from God. From the beautiful land, to the incredible, thriving, and happy children with all their diverse stories, this home is a gift from God and a hope for a brighter future.
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