It’s funny the things you think matter, when you are pulled out of your reality and into a different world. Kenya is amazing, beautiful views, astonishing sunshine, and gorgeous people. It is beyond words in so many ways yet there is a deep sadness here. I don’t want to take away from its natural glory, but there is sorrow and despair that is apparent when you walk the streets. When you drive into the village, the poverty is astounding. The street boys will break your heart, and instantly get your mind racing to figure out how you can save them, how you can make it right. They have a life that at this point it committed to sniffing glue, wandering the trash lined streets and begging for money. As your mind grasps for a way to help, it just as quickly turns to defeat. How can I make it right for all of these people, fix their suffering and heal there pain.
As I walk the town, I look at the stores that are falling apart, the buildings that are in ruins and the thousands of people that are crammed into this town, Kitale in the middle of Kenya. As I grasp for a way to help I feel myself falling to despair for these people, and overwhelmed with the problems here. It is then that I walk by these beautiful people and see them smile at me, wave and say a very pronounced “How are you”, that a verse comes to mind. It instantly brings a peace and serenity to me. Philippians 4: 12-13 ‘I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength.’
I am filled with gratitude for these words that he has given to us, to remind us of what we do have and what was sacrificed for us to live. Also serving a grateful reminder to me, to not feel defeated when I see the hungry or the sick, the desolate; but feel empowered that we can do anything through him. This world is completely open to us when you keep an open heart. I think of America, which seems so far away at this moment, think of who we are and what we have. I know what it is to have plenty, to live in a world of wants and indulgence. I can see the people here and see that this is all they know to be true, but I still see a hope in there in eyes, a smile when you walk by, and always a handshake as well. I believe that peace comes from our God. I think we all can learn and grow in feeling content in what we have, and where we are. Whether we have plenty or nothing, to feel content inside and full of love and grace, is the open world that we so want to reach.
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