A lovers holiday, a day to be with the person who has won your heart. I started my Valentine’s Day of 2010 exactly where I want to be. We started our day looking out the window to a bright sunshine casting a glow on all of Kenya. I began the morning as we have for the last week and a half meeting with friends for fellowship and sharing. First thing was given a card from Cheri, a wonderful lady who I’ve spent this last week with. She wrote us all cards and with it verses she felt best descried us, who we are and what she sees in us. It’s amazing the people that are put into your life for a reason. I often speak of how I am completely enamored by people, their lives, where they come from. I seek to hear people’s loves and passions, grow from what I encounter and change along the way. She wrote how it may seem surreal spending a “couple’s holiday” with people you just met, but as it does seem surreal, these are the people I would choose to spend it with this year. We each have a story, a different purpose in this life, and something different we are bringing to our group. Our God has a reason for our time together this month and I know that we all are getting something from each other, whether widely apparent or in humble silence. As we each have a story, so each has touched my life. Today I feel overcome with gratitude on what each person has brought to me. Each deserves pages, so I will start with the people who are the reason I am in Africa.
I met Ron and Joyce at a church I was only visiting, just a couple months ago. As I was sitting there listening to them speak of a children’s home in Kenya, my heart melted. I remember saying to an acquaintance that I had always wanted to do that, and that I feel I am meant to do something like that with my life, to help people. He said well the owners are here this week, I will introduce you. And so it began; God’s plan took into effect and here I am with my toes in the African soil, new “grandparents” as well as a new family, those who are so gracious to share their home and beautiful 75 kids with me. Ron and Joyce are the epitome of loving and gentle people, and what it truly means to lead with true light. There verse Cheri gave them was perfect Titus 2: 1-8. When I watch Joyce with the children, and listen to her heart speak of what she loves, I know pureness inside and out. When I first met her that day at church, she said to me ‘I can see it in your eyes’ and now I can see her eyes shine with this ministry and with these kids she loves with all her heart. She is a joy to be around, always inspires me to follow my path.I am truly inspired watching her with all her passion and strengths. Ron has taken me in as a part of his family, and is protective of me already. He wants the best for me so boys you better watch out ;) He makes you smile without trying and laugh at his jokes. He has knowledge of the word and is tender and kind in sharing. He has wisdom you want to seek and yearn to listen when he speaks.
I am truly blessed God had me attend that church that day which seems so long ago now. Although completely oblivious to his plan at the time, or over these last couple months, I now see why things happen. I am lucky to have spent the “couple’s holiday” sharing my pure love with 75 kids that are love in and out. I am also lucky and blessed that I was able to spend it with yet a few more of the colorful and beautiful people I am meeting on this journey of life.
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