Through this journey these few weeks, I have often wondered to myself what’s next. Where will God lead me, what do I have to offer elsewhere and what am I willing to give? I have seen more of this world and know that I am destined to see it all. As I sit here on my bench under the gorgeous umbrella tree in the middle of Kenya; a beautiful setting for reading, writing, and romanticizing my thoughts on paper, I am filled with a renewed hope.
Over this last year I have seen stunning areas of the world. From the ski slopes of Telluride, Colorado walking in the snow, taking pictures of us snow bunnies. Having a sister getaway with our special memories that will last a lifetime.To the back roads of BZ Corner, Washington lying under the endless skies in the middle of nowhere, yet in the center of everything.The take your breath away white water that I got to fall in love with as I learned how to steer the raft and run the falls. Then to the lights of Vegas, getting dressed to kill and laughing with the girls. Falling back in love with my own city, Seattle friends, yachts on the lake, and areas of the city I never knew. These months have come and gone and I am yearning to see what’s next, what adventure I will take on.

I read a quote today from a book that was introduced to me months ago. As we walked the bookstore browsing books of the Northwest, travel and poetry we found it. It was one of his favorites, and as we read it together, my love affair with Kahilil Gibran’s words began. The book is called the prophet, the words to me an expression of one man’s deep heart and deep thoughts. The line that I read today “Is not the dread of thirst when your well is full, the thirst that is unquenchable.” As my eyes scanned the words, I bit my lip and pondered what he meant. I thought about how I have often wondered these last few weeks about where I am supposed to be, what I should do next. I can see that these thoughts, if I let them, could turn to dread for not having it all figured out. To be unsure of life’s next course is unsettling but I am finding it can also set you free. The dread of what’s next can take away from the joy that I am already full of. I am in my life, right in the middle, with blessings beyond what I need to have. My thirst is quenched because I am exactly where God wants me to be. If I continue to only look forward to what is next, then I’m afraid my thirst will always be unquenchable.
Everywhere I have been these last few months and years is forever changing how I see life. I am thankful for the completely unique, diverse, and beautiful people that I meet along the way. As I sit here under the umbrella tree in Kenya, I think about the many people who entered my life this last year. I see their faces, remember their stories, and smile at the memories. So many of them I keep close to my heart, held tight as to not let them go. Whether short lived or a long road together, they changed me ever so slightly on how I perceive life and love and the world. I have seen beauty in things that I may not have looked twice at before, and learned just how much I can do, and see how much more I long to learn. I can see people for all they are with all their passions shining in their eyes.
As I sit here under my tree, surrounded by natural wonders that only Africa will bring you and looking at a beautiful home that is pure love in and out, I am in awe. The wind is beginning to blow, light shining on my face with the warmth of the suns kiss falling on my body. There is a dark cloud in the distance and I smile as I bask in the light of right now. I am in this moment of my life; I will not dread any storm in the distance as I know I am exactly where I am supposed to be right now.