This Christmas I didn’t quite know what to expect going into the holiday season. Funny that that sentence means so much more to me now than it did a year ago. I think that seasons of life are forever a learning process and each season is proving to continually open my heart to new ideas, new dreams, and new loves while at the same time reopening my heart and filling it with faith and trust in the old.
Going into this holiday season I was a little put off by the whole thought of presents in abundance, food in excess, and parties galore. Over this last year I have embraced the simplistic side of life in full force. I have downsized my thinking on material items and things that I feel cause clutter in my life. It has been hard to find a reason to hold onto anything extra. I think that this is partly due to all the change in my life, ridding myself of old baggage, but mostly I believe that it is who I am at heart and I am finding that out daily in a new aspect. Christmas took on a new meaning to me this year.
My sister was able to come visit me this Christmas for almost two whole weeks. The one person in this world that I truly believe knows my heart. She has a personality that radiates a light that I cannot explain. She is the person in the room that will listen to you with her whole heart and help you analyze any situation you find yourself in to the point where you are finished talking yet she is still right there to help you continue on, hash it out and untangle the grey area of your life. She is able to see people with all their flaws, all there humanity, and help them get to know there self better. Her heart is open to hearing peoples walks, there complications, and always has the right words to say. She cares about not only helping you understand, but helps you understand how others feel as well. She has spunk that is alive and although can be a bit opinionated at times, has every ones best interest at heart. She has a realness that I understand and can truly appreciate when the world around me seems fake and forged.
Christmas day my sister and I went to the beach. We walked the shores, took pictures, laughed and talked about love and life and what this is all about. It was then I realized that in previous seasons of my life, I forgot what was important in my life. As we were walking down the beach, with crystal clear blue skies, amazingly wide open ocean, and my best friend by my side, I realized that I will never again forget the importance of having the people that mean the most to me in my everyday life. The people who adore me, who see the real me that know my heart and can look in my eyes and see far reaching hope and compassion, love and purity. I will forevermore surround myself with all that I know to be true in this world first, keep my loved ones close to me, hold them dear and love them with everything I have. I will remember this wherever I go on my journey, as I embrace meeting all new people, hearing there life and seeing their eyes. I am excited to meet many amazing people and will forever remember that through this life I will keep my treasured closest to my heart and let in a few along the way.
Thank you for all of the sweet things that you say..This Christmas was the best!. I am so glad we were able to spend it together..Its a joy and pleasure to listen to your stories thoughts and dreams and to come along side of you and explore your deep heart:) I am fortunate that you choose to share with me..I learn and grow just from being in your life:)Someone who is dear to you once described you as transparent I think this was the perfect word for you! Its the best thing about you! This world is so full of fake,,Fake is easy..You have a gift of always being real it's effortless.. and extremely difficult for most to do..To be a natural at that is so rare! It enriches my life..I think surrounding yourself with adoration is your best plan yet..and you deserve nothing less!
ReplyDeleteI am so glad you are finally surrounded by people who see just how kind, brave and intelligent you are and help you to become better by reminding you who you are. There are so many who spend all of their time trying to make people less to make themselves feel better and it's such a waste of their energy and your life. This past year it seems like you've really been exploring who you are without anyone holding you back and look where that's led you! You're traveling around the world on a huge adventure to help people that you've never met but still care about. You should be very proud that that is the person that you are when you take everything else away.