I met with an old friend last night. I got to meet her new husband, visit, share and reconnect. She is one of those true people in my life. When we get together it’s as if we never skipped a beat. Kelli is a positive light who radiates a feeling of home to me when I am around her. She is understanding and caring and accepts all of you with your faults and imperfections alike. Kelli has met her true love after her long and at times broken road of love. I see them look at each other, call each other honey and I realized that they have whatever it is that you need. They are real and true, honest and raw. They get it, each other, and what they need to give to each other to make each other complete.
As I got to know her husband, we all shared our life and love and travels with one another. I instantly knew why they are together. Torri is understanding and full of knowledge and warmth that only adds to Kelli’s light and makes it shine brighter. We talked about God and his passion for what he knows to be true. He showed me another perfect example of an individual who is in love with God and is completely open to the fact that we all are human and who are any of us to judge one another. When we talked and shared, I was reminded of God’s grace and saw life all of the sudden a little clearer. I shared with them my life, ups and downs and was blessed to hear what I needed to hear at this moment in my life. Although accidents and incidents occur in our life, God’s ultimate plan is full of grace.
I was reminded when we talked of something I was told recently and at the time didn’t know how I felt about it. “You cannot be surrendered to Christ and his will for your life if you idealize things that he has not intended for you”. I didn’t know how I felt about this statement for a couple of reasons. First being that If that is to be true, then how can any of us ever feel surrendered to God and his love and his grace and his plan for us when we all have humanity that is inevitable and at times hard to escape. I feel that statement can hinder your ability to ever feel at peace and satisfied with your God because we all fall short at times. But I also realized that I believe the statement at the same time. I looked up the definition of human nature. ‘psychological characteristics that all humans have in common’ We all fall short and we all at times want things we shouldn’t, not listen and follow when God is leading, do things that you regret. As I pondered this statement, what I felt in my heart to be true is this. I know with everything I have that my God knows my heart, the ins and outs and the good and the at times not so good.
As I talked with Kelli and Tori last night, we pondered what it means when you get in situations that you shouldn’t and how to listen to God when he is leading you back to where you should be and what it means when Satan is leading you the other direction. It was an in depth and heavy conversation but while we talked and listened and shared I felt that I understood that statement that was shared with me a few weeks ago a little more. I think all parts of me and who I am and what I represent is to show love. That is God’s word and light coming out through me. I also know that if I am surrendered to his path he has for me, I am forever surrendered and although I hit bumps in the road, go down the wrong path at times and not listen when I should, it is his grace that leads me back. While I am still surrendered to him during those hard and trying times it is important to remember to look towards him for the answers when you know in your heart you are not where you are supposed to be.
I am sorry for the things that I have done that are wrong in my life and the people I have hurt by not letting go when I should. I know we all have been there, felt one way and did another, knew you shouldn’t but you did, and tried to do the right thing then fell short. We talked about this and I finally got it. I understood that statement, what it means and how I perceive it to be true for me. I finally let go. Ultimately the conversation was eye opening and made me completely grateful and refreshed to remember that who I am is completely through Gods grace. Thank you Tori and Kelli… I love you both, you are inspiring to watch and I’m so excited to see Gods path for your life together.
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