Today I was thinking about all the different relationships we have in our life. Thinking about the people that are in our life that complete us, make us feel completely normal when we feel completely crazy and then remind us that being a little crazy just may not be that bad. I was thinking that so many people will come in and out of our life. They will change your thinking; and shape your heart along the way. They make an impact that you may or may not like and some stay while others leave. Friends will come into your life and help you see the world in a different light, but only a few will you feel truly get you. They can see your beauty and your ugliness and love you equally for both. They will see your flaws as your uniqueness and your beauty as your light that shines.
Today I had a bit of a meltdown. As I picked up my phone to call my person, I realized that my best friend was the person I needed at that moment. I realized as I dialed the number and Jaime picked up that ah ha, you are my person. My person to sob on the phone with, my person I can share my insecurities and ugliness with. The person to tell me that it’s ok; you probably just need a good cry. The person to also talk it out with until I pull it together and can finally walk it out. The person who will be there when I have a heart break and the person that will never judge me, even when judging would be so easy and possibly warranted. The person who is opposite in so many ways yet compliments my romantic version of life with her easy going matter of fact views of the world.
As I was pondering all of this today, I did what I so often do, looked up quotes and words written on the thoughts I am contemplative on. I found these words that I thought were pretty and captured what I feeling when I called her today, when I needed to reach out. “When it hurts to look back, and you’re scared to look ahead, you can look beside you and your best friend will be there”. Ah how true is this. When there are times in your life that you literally feel like a deer in head lights. Stuck for a second, in a spot that you are not sure how to conquer on your own, your person is the one you turn to. The person who when you hear their voice, can make you lose it and the tears begin to flow. The person to pick you up when you are on the floor and the person to give you praise with each of your accomplishments.

As I finished packing today, ready for my new adventure, I am sad to leave my best friends behind. Jaime, my bestie with all of your humor and my rock in my everyday life, Shannon with all your words of wisdom and listening ear, Alanna with your amazing quality to bring freshness to my life. My girls are my normalcy in my ever-changing life and I am thankful you will only be a text away. Jame… Can I just say dropping it low Chicago style in August?

Hi Melissa,my name is Brad and you don't know me, but I am a friend of Liz and Nick( my sons blog landondonovan.blogspot.com) and I happened to stumble across your blog through theres and after reading your blog, you are an inspiration. Just reading how you view life and explore everyday challenges and how you approach them is truly inspiring.
ReplyDeleteBrad thank you so much for your kind words. That you were inspired by what I wrote is exactly what inspires me.
ReplyDeleteMissy....your thoughts, your kind grace and wisdom borne out of perhaps a little pain along the way, humm. similar in so many ways, thank you for being here and sharing yourself..YOU inspire me.