As I sat quietly today reading 'Into the Wild' for a second time, so much of his words I felt I could relate to. Maybe it wasn’t the words at all; maybe it was a respect for the young man’s way of thinking. My life and my thoughts seem to encircle his mentality of less being more. Letting go of titles and honors that are irrelevant, letting society say what it will about money or fitting in but having peace of mind knowing it will have no impact on my life or my fulfillment.

As I sit here in my backyard, staring over the cliff to the beautiful river below, I think about how it’s this time and these moments that are real. Out of all that I am getting out of life at the moment, this to me says it all. Sitting here in the country away from the hustle and bustle of Starbucks or Malls, Applebees or Tanning salons, I feel more like me. Every day I wake up, drive around this stunning area and am in amazement that we live here. We are in a beautiful part of the world, with all of its wonder and all of its simplicity being etched ever so slowly into my heart.

As I reflect on who we all are, how without true intent we get wrapped up in spending our time deciding what T.V shows to watch, or what restaurant we will go to that night. We worry about what job we will take and what title it will ensue. We agonize on what kind of car we will drive and how much money we have. I have realized that none of that matters. As yes we do need money to buy food and to survive, we also can grow our food and waste less. We can spend less time worrying what kind of car we will drive, and just be content and thankful when we have a car that runs. Be grateful when we have a job and try to make an impact on another’s life through our daily interactions.

Downsizing my life this last year, giving away excess and living simpler, has given me a new appreciation for what it is we need. Relying less on material objects to create happiness has been freeing and eye opening. It has given me the ability to see that our life is alive and shifting with rivers that flow in unbroken course and mountains that are waiting to be climbed. My loves and my talents are waiting to be used until I have nothing left. As I sit here in silence, quiet as I have been these last few months, I think about how I am energized and ready to run full force. Run it out and remember to stop mid stride to acknowledge every minute of my gorgeous life.
Wow, Missy... your journeys and insights are truly inspiring. I'm so happy to see how much you are writing... never stop! It's one of your many amazing gifts to this world. xoxoxo