I used to have a fear that time will make you forget. With the decision to move on, sometimes forgetting is your goal and other times it is the complete opposite. Depending on the decision you are making in your life, forgetting can be what you need but other times forgetting seems terrifying. There are moments in our life when we change our minds or go a separate way. We may find that without fully realizing it, we are holding onto the memories and grasping to not forget. Maybe our fear lies in forgetting what at one point we thought we knew to be true.

So why as humans do we want to hold onto the past, keep the memories alive in our mind and alive with hope? Why do we make the decision to change course and then hold onto the fear that time actually will make us forget. Why do we fear forgetting a time or person that was perfect to us. Why do we not hold onto the fact that our minds will store the beauty that was true and store the memories safe within your heart. As I sit here today I am wondering if it all goes back to the fear of time, the fear of hours and days, months and years that seem to pass so quickly making you forget what you once felt so passionately about. The fear that time will ultimately seal the deal. Time will make you forget the path you got off or the person you left behind.
Maybe it is because we have doubt. Humans have doubt. A sort of self evaluation of the choices we make and a way to establish that we made the right decision. As I speculate as to why this is, why we have an inner voice that seems to want to fight against us, I am continuously astonished by our human nature. We continue to have human doubts and demons, self evaluation and self critiques, making us wonder of what was or could have been and endlessly doubt our choices even when we know them to be true.
With all this, I feel a newfound empowerment. I believe even more so today that we are undeniably and ever so extravagantly a crazy collection of amazing, in depth, colorful, and beautiful people… Knowing we are able to trust our inner voice, our God that is in us, gives me a fresh sense of peace. Knowledge that we already know what is true, in the truest way we know how to believe, makes me feel confident in my ever changing current loves and choices, my path and my God.
Time will eventually heal any wound and time definitely is the ultimate power to make you forget. I can sit here and recall times in my life when I literally remember saying I am scared that time will make it easier to forget.I wanted to hold on, I was scared to let go, scared it wouldn't be there when I needed to go back in my mind. Right now I am finding comfort in time passing. Time is making my love for another grow stronger. Time is making me realize that my path is laid out. Time is showing me ever so slowly yet quicker than I realize that the things I need to forget are being forgotten but the beautiful people that have entered my life will forever hold a piece of my heart.Time is proving that all the love that we need is already within us growing stronger with time and greater with age.