What I know to be true in the truest way I know how to believe…. Take 3…the ever changing relationships…
I believe in respecting your mate as much as you love them, I believe that if you let your unfaltering respect for that person lead you, it will lead you when at times our humanity can get the best of us.
I believe in holding hands and taking walks together, even when you have been together forever. I can only hope to have my love by my side when I am old and grey and see our hands intertwined.
I believe that couples that pray together stay together (thank you Grandpa).
I believe in the power of words… you simply cannot take back words that hurt. You can never take back what was said in anger. You can apologize but the wound is already set, and that person who is standing in front of you should be the last person you want to have a wound that was inflicted by you.
I believe in having time to myself, time to process my life and thoughts, my loves and hopes and dreams… then right back in his arms I shall go.

I believe in calling each other baby and sweetheart, or anything that is completely corny and makes you blush to say it in public… I think pet names keep you reminded that this person knows you better than anyone else in this world.
I believe in finding the person who makes you feel beautiful even at your worse, who every day tells you that you are the best and reminds you that you are the best thing that has ever happened to them. And for my single lady’s I believe in holding out until you have just that…
I believe in being faithful. I believe that once you break trust, the respect is gone and if the respect is gone then what is the point... A harsh reality for many.

I believe in communication, that word that sounds like the “easy-psycho analyzes” of how to make a relationship work, but I truly believe this is the key to healthy relationships. I believe that when your person looks into your eyes, this person that knows your heart, they will desire to know how you feel and what you think and everything in between. So talk away, talk until you fall asleep in their arms for when you wake up in those arms you will know that you are exactly where you should be.
I believe that you have to kiss a lot of frogs before you meet your true love… (a gentle reminder for my single lady’s )…
I believe that you will have ups and downs on your amazingly long road together. I believe that this is ok and as long as at all times one person is ready to go to battle for the sake of the relationship your love will stay intact. As much as we don’t want it to happen our humanity causes us at times to have doubts and as long as the other person is ready to hold up their sword and fight for the love, the battle will be an easy victory.

All this said I believe in diving in head first… I believe in loving with all you have and not holding back. I believe that is how you will meet your true love… or get your heart broken, but I believe either outcome will be worth it knowing that you were all in, you loved fully and gave your whole heart.
I enjoyed reading this Melissa! You are a beautiful person inside and out! Love, Tess
ReplyDeleteYou BLESS me! and encourage me.. my worn and weary heart.. Thank you for this ....GIFT. our hearts are so similar.. but your expression is so very you! Beautiful and full of Grace...
my missa how true are your words well said. love ya dad