Don’t we all long for this status in our life? Strive to reach that state of pleasure that seems to be unknown to many, without realization that we are even striving for anything at all. Once we have it, encompass what we wanted in the first place, being able to recognize and appreciate this possession is what it means to truly be content.
The feeling of wanting something more seems to ring true so often, so as to our untrained and simple minds, this feeling becomes normal. This normalcy will have us thinking of what if there is something I am missing or what if there is more I haven’t done or seen. Longing can relate to everyday thoughts as well… if I was just able to get off work a little earlier then I would have more time, or if I buy that shirt I saw the other day then I would look nicer at work, I don’t have anything to wear…

These thoughts beginning to overtake the actual moments you are in. These thoughts without knowledge or foresight are taking away from the gratification and happiness you should be getting out of the time you are already in the middle of. The time that is given to you, the time you may have once hoped for or wanted for a reason, is happening right now. For you are right in the middle of your road.
I know that this is normal; this is our humanity at its finest. We all at times will long for something else, hope for something that is not being given to us. We will not understand that it is simply not meant for us at this time, keeping us from being content in what is meant for us at this time. We cannot wish daily for something that is not being given to us and be truly content with what we have. If we do this then our life plays out and we forget to cherish these moments that we are in. These moments that are more precious than the fictional account of an unhealthy daydream that our mind entangles into what we think we want.

The knowledge that we are all in this together, makes it seem a little easier to handle. Helps me, and hopefully you, to ponder the subject and be less hard on myself. Seeing that we all at times will hunger for what we think we want, may make it easier to swallow yet makes me that much more inclined to want to break out of the cycle. Realizing this and truly accepting this seems to counter each other, as if a war is being played out between my heart and my mind. The heart settling into a cozy comfort, feeling full with what has been given to me so graciously already. Then with this warm and content state the mind seems to sense that word contentment and starts to think of places I am yet to see and things I am still longing to do.

Our hearts and our minds are created to think about loves and hopes and dreams, I do not believe this to be wrong. To love with all your heart and to hope for peace and harmony are feelings that we were also given. To want good in this world, to fight for what you believe in and hold true to your beliefs, this will help you to know that you did not falter from truth. You can look at the moments that you are in and the road that you took with gratitude even if you are having a moment of nostalgia. If we listen and be silent, trust that our life is exactly where it should be, then contentment will follow. Once we can grasp this, once we are content always even when life is at its hardest, then that will be true happiness.
Philippians 4:11, Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.
When I returned home from church today... this is the thought that stuck with me... When I put my trust in him, God puts my heart at ease..

(Pictures from our time in beautiful Laos... villages we visited, meeting amazing children and getting the opportunity to share with them)
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