What I know to be true in the truest way I know how to believe… take two...
I believe in following your heart… I believe in letting go. I believe that if it is truly meant to be it will blossom exactly as it should. I believe this because I have seen it full force and have found my love by having patience in life’s curvy road. I believe that love is alive all around us; it is apparent always and deserves to be noticed. I believe in being willing to open your heart to new ideas. I believe that having passion in life will allow you to see life as completely open to you. I believe that finding another person to share your days with who has completely different passions will make you open your eyes to new love’s and new inspirations and help fill your soul with variety.
I believe in finding the person who makes you feel beautiful even at your worse, who every day tells you that you are the best and reminds you that you are the best thing that has ever happened to them. I believe in picking flowers for another rather than buying them in the store. I believe in sharing napkins and saying grace before meals. I believe that with the right person you can be completely silent and still able to have a conversation with your eyes.
I believe in peace. I believe in a romanticized version of life. I believe that we are all are same yet completely unique making each and every one of us perfect. I believe in a simple life, a life with less material items and more quiet times and peaceful views. I believe in seeing the entire world. I believe we owe it to ourselves to see what is out there in order for us to fully get it. I believe that we don’t need a four bedroom house, three cars, and countless toys to be happy. That said, I believe that we all are absolutely different so who am I to speak on what people want or have in this life.

I believe that as it is easy to say that things happen for a reason, I also believe that it is not always that easy to accept. I believe that many times we want answers as to why or when but will not get them and I believe that it is in those times that we need to find comfort in fully surrendering to our path, the good and the “oh wow that sucked” not so good times in our life. I also believe that we all at times need to work on this. I believe we all make mistakes in this life that deserve to be forgiven. I believe that when you forgive someone, you can not continue to go there in your mind, you have to be true to yourself and true to the idea that you have let go of the hurt. I believe that if you hold onto comparing peoples mistakes, if you try to debate which is worse or how mad you should be, you may forget that all mistakes are equal and it is not up to us to compare.

I believe that we are shaped into who we are because of where we have been and who we have met along the way. I believe that there will be people regularly coming in and out of our lives, may it be for a brief period or a long road that changes us ever so slightly and opens us to new loves and new ideas as to what we decide to be true for ourselves. I believe that it is through these times, the people we meet and the places we go, that we remember to remain true to ourselves and true to what we already know to be real in our heart.