The road of life lead me to you… Through this crazy life I am in awe of the times that take my breath away. I am completely thankful and amazed at moments of my life that sweep me off my feet, make my heart race and leave me in a whirlwind of emotions and new passions. We all have these times, the times that leave you needing a second or maybe even countless days to catch your breath. I am intrigued by life, the new loves and people that come into our lives and the paths that intertwine and create a beautiful road we get to walk down. I am in awe of this past week, it took my breath away.
Last week I was able to fly across our gorgeous country to in turn drive back through the states, take it all in and enjoy the scenic views and charming landscapes. This country is full of lush land, countless picturesque scenes, and thousands of roads that all intertwine as you look at the map and decide which route to take. As I think of the map we used to decipher the territory, where we should go and which route to take, I smile thinking that in life there are oh so many ways to go.. How do you know which way will be the “easiest” way, and is the easiest way the way you would choose to go? This past week the path we took was exactly where we needed to be.

As I arrived in Virginia, bright eyed and eager to start my new adventure, I got off the plane and walked with anticipation for a week of discovery of this land and a week of sharing and listening. As I walked through the air port, ready to meet my boy, I remembered to feel gratitude for yet another adventure of life and love. I found myself again not knowing why exactly I was supposed to be there, but feeling that at this moment of my life, I was exactly where I was supposed to be. This feeling was reaffirmed when I opened the doors to baggage claim; saw him standing there and felt my eyes give away another bit of my heart.

We started our day off to church, giving thanks to the God that is leading me down this crazy life and through this journey of life and love and travels. The day was Easter Sunday and it was perfect. I was with amazing people, meeting family and thankful for every minute of it. Curt drove me into D.C and beyond to see the historic sites and the amazing waterfall. I could recount pages of our time together as we embarked on our journey across the states. The times we laughed with each other, being completely silly and enjoying the time we had to laugh at each other’s jokes and embrace the newness. The times we shared our life where we have been and what we have seen through this crazy life and crazy world. The serious times, the times of quiet and contemplation, the times of healing that made us bite our lips in concentration and figure out what to say. Finding the perfect words we wanted and needed to express our thoughts and that wouldn’t take away from our hearts or our meanings.

We saw friends and family along the way, taking the time to enjoy them stopping in Colorado and taking it all in. Our little truck became our home for the week, camping, sleeping and looking at the stars… Our journey became an adventure of country side and also an exploration of our life. In the end we made it back to Washington, safe and sound with both of our hearts a bit changed. That, I am finding, is the key in this ever changing life. As we get on this road of life, the changing paths and windy roads will lead us up hills and down mountains in no time. For me, as I set out on adventures, the outcome could be good or bad yet completely worth it if our hearts are a bit changed and we are able to see life a little different because of it.

Curt and I rocked our road trip. We saw beautiful land and gorgeous sites, we shared and listened to each other’s hearts… these moments are forever etched into my heart, safe and sound and completely content. As I sit in my living room, look at the pictures of our trip that were a surprise to me from my boy, taped all over my house with words of love to go along... I smile. I am thankful Gods path and road is greater than our own. I am thankful that he knows exactly where we are supposed to be and the exact course that we are supposed to take to get there. It may be a bumpy ride, but with a perfect ending.
Missy, I love your Blog!! I'm so glad you are happy and healthy!! I miss seeing your Mom.
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