I was thinking today about how I use the words ‘what I know to be true’. What does that even mean… for what I know to be true can be completely different than what you know to be true, so how is anything really truth? My perception of truth is biased to what I have seen and felt, and what you know to be true is biased to what you have seen and felt … So who is right?
Maybe the answer is we both are right.

In our life we move forward quickly. We take steps in different directions, see things and try them out. Depending on where we end up, which path we take, we see various ways of living and thinking. We encounter different people with completely different outlooks on life, and hopefully decide for ourselves if we agree with them or if we should take our own stance. We take it all in and use our own character to make our own opinions as to what is right and what is wrong in this world. With this, my hope is that we remember that these opinions we create for ourselves are just that. Our own ideas on life and truth and we will not be quick to judge another for having a different view on their own life…
Who are we to judge anyone? It always hits me when I hear people talking about another person. Who are we to judge anything about any one when we have never walked in their shoes? How is it feasible to believe that we can make assumptions of what is true for another? What we think is just that, our completely unique opinions based solely on our distinct path and situations that we have seen. Maybe we are better off remembering to be impeccable with our own word, remembering what it is like to be judged.
Thinking about all this today, I came away with this… Since I believe that what I know to be true in this world is based solely on where I have been, situations I have encountered, and who I meet along the way, all I can do is continue to do just that. I will do all I can to go places I have never been… for how can I speak to something if I have never seen it. I will put myself in situations that I never thought about trying, just to experience more of all that is out there. I will introduce myself to people; listen to their stories and their hearts, because they might know truth that I have yet to see or be able to open my heart to things I never knew people have gone through.

Lastly I will try to speak less, use silence as an answer. Speak less on things I know nothing about. Making a note to later find out all there is to know on the subject. There is a whole world that is waiting to be explored. Vast subjects that I know nothing about, waiting to be researched and pondered… Opening our hearts to new ideas will keep us from falling into the trap of judging without knowledge or forethought.
I love it baby....your writing is beautiful and so are you!