I was wondering today, why it feels at certain times we are all running from
something or at other times the opposite, that we are running towards something else. One day we think we have it figured out, we feel complete with where we are in life, who we love, where we live, where we work and what we “do”. Yet another day we entangle our thoughts on what is next, what else is there to see, doubt our decisions and contemplate on our truths. It is in those times that we become silent in the process.
Today I felt I needed to be silent. I looked around at all there is around me, the beautiful mountains and endless rivers surrounding my home. I gazed at the natural wonders and realized I still needed to take a step back. I am in this life, this moment. I am finding new loves, new passions and today I recognized that through all this, through new love and new life, it is important to remain true to what you know in your heart. Listening to our inner voice, become conscious of what it is we are seeing, what we are letting in, and who we are sharing it with.

So today I considered why it may feel we are running toward something else, when we know in our hearts that where we are is exactly where we should be. I feel that we do this if we forget to take a minute to catch our breath. If we forget to take time out, be silent, forget about our jobs and our relationships and remember what it is that makes us complete. When we do this, we realize that it is not the one we are with, or the job that we have, the activities we do daily or the passions we live for that make us complete and make our soul alive and our spirit bright. It is our faith and our love that makes us who we are, that lead us down this curvy road. We are who we are for a reason. We have been led to see things and go places that make each of us completely unique and exactly who we are.

I needed to remember this today. To remember that it is inside of us. Our faith and our God are in each of us and that is what will make us feel complete and remind us that we are exactly where we are supposed to be. Our daily life is hectic and full of ups and downs. It is through those times that our humanity makes us rely on the person we are with or the job that we have to make us feel fulfilled and loved. I needed to remember today that it will not have anything to do with another person or any activities I do that makes me feel full. I will try to remember to be silent during the times I need reassurance. Be silent, look up, and listen to my God that is leading my path.